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Sunday 7 September 2014

Beautiful Allah Wallpapers

Allah says in the Quran not to despise one another. So the criterion in Islam is not color or social status. It's who is most righteous. If I go to a mosque - and I'm a basketball player with money and prestige - if I go to a mosque and see an imam, I feel inferior. He's better than me. It's about knowledge.
I believe in the religion of Islam. I believe in Allah and peace.

 I seek truth over a lie; I seek justice over injustice; I seek righteousness over the rewards of evildoers, and I love Allah more than I love the state.
 Everything I do is for the pleasure of Allah.
 When many astronauts go to space, they see the insignificant size of the earth and vastness of space, and they become very religious, because they have seen the Signs of Allah.
 He who builds a masjid in the way of Allah, God will build a house for him in the paradise.
 I have to say when we talk about the treatment of these prisoners that I would guess that these prisoners wake up every morning thanking Allah that Saddam Hussein is not in charge of these prisons
 For one, the Qur'an is considered by Muslims to consist entirely of words spoken by Allah himself.
 Allah is on our side. That is why we will beat the aggressor.
 I tell you, to be honest, every single one of us, without any exaggeration, every single one of us was 100 percent sure that we would all be... all be martyred, but you know, Allah chooses to take a person's life when he chooses. And we have no control over.
 You are the author of the book you will receive on the Day of Judgment. So make the script perfect in this World because there will be no room for edition in Hereafter..
 Good behavior towards people is
equivalent to wisdom, to request politely is
half of knowledge, and to ascribe to sound
policies is half of one’s livelihood.
 May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings upon you
 All of our actions, whether physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual should be governed by the commandments of Allah and done in a way pleasing to Him..
 Praise be Allah and prayers and peace upon Mohammed.


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